Cut Set Up Time With A “Do It Yourself” Mic Snake
Wiring a stage with mic cables can be time consuming and confusing. If you duplicate the same set up over and over, then a mic sub snake is what you need. These are available”off the shelf“, but you can make one of your own.
Here’s what you need:
A microphone cable for each mic in your setup (preferably all the same size)
Some wire ties or One Wrap Straps
Label tape and a Sharpie Marker
1. Label each cable with the same number both ends with label tape (1/2/3/etc.)
2. Bundle the cables together to make a single group
– use wire ties if you don’t expect to add more cables later
-use One Wrap Straps for a snake that can have cables added or removed
Don’t have time to make your own mic snake?
You can get a really nice one here!